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Hybrid Access to Our Sessions in Tampa

SAW will offer informal hybrid access to the in-person sessions the section is sponsoring at the AAA annual meeting.

Published onNov 16, 2024
Hybrid Access to Our Sessions in Tampa

Earlier this year, the SAW Executive Board issued a statement about our commitments to access and safety for the 2024 Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, which will take place in Tampa, Florida from November 20–23. We drafted this statement in solidarity with members of our section who indicated they would not feel safe attending a professional meeting in the state of Florida.

For the 2024 Annual Meeting, we resolved to encourage virtual and prerecorded submissions to the scholarly program, while still considering submissions for in-person sessions. At our August board meeting, we also agreed to contact the organizers of in-person sessions that SAW is sponsoring about offering informal hybrid access to those who are not traveling to Tampa.

Please keep in mind that these access arrangements are being made by volunteers using their personal devices. We cannot guarantee the production quality of the online content, and it is possible that one or more sessions will not be available due to poor Internet connectivity or other circumstances beyond our control.

We are proud to say that the organizers of all three in-person sessions sponsored by SAW have agreed to offer hybrid access:

  • “Making as Ethnographic Praxis,” organized by Juliet Glazer and Jimil Ataman and scheduled for Wednesday, November 20 from 4:15–5:45pm Eastern Time, will be livestreamed on the SAW Facebook page.

  • “More than Pretty Boxes: Carrie Lane Meets Readers,” scheduled for Saturday, November 23 from 10:15–11:45am Eastern Time, will be recorded and the recording posted on Exertions in the coming days.

  • “The Promise and Perils of Evolving North American Temporary

    Labor Programs,” organized by Tristan Call and James Daria and scheduled for Saturday, November 23 from 12:45–2:15pm Eastern Time, will be livestreamed on the SAW Facebook page.

We hope that these access arrangements, provisional and imperfect as they are, signals SAW’s commitment to working toward universal and equitable access to scholarly exchange at the Annual Meeting and beyond.

Kari Stoken:

Hybrid access is a great idea. Why not fully commit to making the event accessible for everyone? Relying on volunteers with personal devices might cause more problems than it solves.

Karen Gomez:

Slope Game is all about speed and precision, much like the dynamics of hybrid access in our sessions in Tampa. Hybrid access gives flexibility, allowing attendees to engage either physically or remotely, ensuring that everyone can participate without compromising the experience.