Matthew Webb, “‘Artisans, Creativity, and Ethics: “Skill Regimes” in a Mumbai Fashion Export House”
Ramsha Usman, “‘Decoding Designers: The Work of Responsibility and Innovation for Accessibility”
Spencer Kaplan, “‘Bringing Your Full Self to Work’: The Fashioning of LGBTQ Bankers on Wall Street”
Juan Manuel del Nido, “Inscription: Wolf’s Power, a Taxi Ficha, and the Reproduction of an Argentine Workers’ Union”
Marcel LaFlamme, “Profession as Timekeeping Device”
Mary Elizabeth Schmid, “Tomatero Circuit of Southern Appalachia-South Florida”
Mary Wilhoit, “EnGendering the State: Women’s Work and Peru’s 2012 Agrarian Census”
Bryan Moorefield, “Exceptional Protections: Contracts, Temporality, and Mexican Guestworkers”
Samuel Weeks, “Longing for ‘Normal’ Post-Fordism: Cape Verdean Labor Power on a Lisbon Periphery in Crisis”
Rachel Wright, “Who’s the Boss? The Matryoshka Power and Governance in Nonprofit Organizations”
June Hee Kwon, “Rhythm of Circulation: Visas, Labor, and the Bodies of Korean Chinese Migrants in the Age of Transnational Commuting”
Jeffrey Hoelle, “The Ranchers of Acre, Brazil: Elite Status and Work in an Environmental State”
Troy Wilson, “Migrant Brokers of the Global Tongue: A Case Study in Guadalajara, Mexico”
Laurie Duthie, “White Collars with Chinese Characteristics: Global Capitalism and the Formation of a Social Identity”
Kelly Feltault, “‘We’re Our Own Boss’: Gendered Class Consciousness and White Privilege among Hooper’s Island Crab Pickers”
Ariana Hernandez-Reguant, “Artistic Labor and Contractual Citizenship in the Cuban Culture Industries”